Globalization and the increase of non-English speakers on the web calls for multilingual web sites.
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a link to Home
The world-wide web breaks down barriers of space and time. The remaining barrier is language. We must bridge cultural and national differences, not by expecting that everyone can read English, but by building web sites that work in many languages.

skyBuilders timeLines can instantly change every word in its interface to another language. Every button label and status message can be edited over the web by a system administrator.

See for the many problems and opportunites involved in globalizing a web site. - the webWare company™ skyWriter can automatically "gist" any page on your site with a computer translation from AltaVista
and Systran.

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Language: fr  | it  | de  | es  | pt  | ar  | he  | da  | nl  | zh  | ja  | ko  | none 
Author: bobdoyle

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 Version: 3081 | Series: 17113