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skyBuilders.com > Documentation

For skyBuilders timeLines:

    The User Manual is the place to deepen your knowledge of the timeLines interface, and several of the major Modules. You should have taken the Tour and worked through the Tutorial before tackling the User Manual.

    The Administration Manual is an introduction to over 50 administration pages that let you: configure the timeLines interface; control privileges for all the member/users; add, edit, and delete Items and Item Groups to the various Modules; etc.

    The Installation Manuals are for Consultants, Developers, and sophisticated organizations who are installing their own timeLines servers.
      For GNU/Linux/Apache/PHP:
        skyBuilders timeLines Installation Manual for RedHat 9.0
        Installing additional timeLines sites on an existing skyHost
      For Windows/IIS:
        Installation Manual for Windows 2000 Server
        Installation Manual for IIS Web Sites (Microsoft Internet Information Server)
        skyBuilders timeLines Installation Manual for IIS

For skyBuilders skyPipes Advanced Router:

    New users may wish to read the Introduction to skyPipes to find out what it is and what it does.

    Network administrators may wish to read the User Manual for a description of the web interface to the Advanced Router and how to set and apply a configuration.

    System administrators may wish to read the Technical Manuals for information on how to install, test, and troubleshoot the skyPipes software and applied configurations.

For GNU/Linux/Apache/PHP:

For Windows/IIS:
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Author: orion

This Version:
Archived at: https://www.skybuilders.com/Documentation.20050308115353.html

 Version: 38590 | Series: 81168