Who is skyBuilders?...
Where are we? ...
skyBuilders.com produces a web-based small-enterprise information system for a multi-user community computer. Our webWare makes all of an organization's data securely accessible over the web.

skyBuilders webWare runs on a virtual platform we call theSky, supported by Linux, MacOS, and Windows running on most hardware.

Our current products include multilingual timeLined web publishing, e-learning, events scheduling, resource reservations, group communications, contact management, presentations, web-based forms, web file sharing, project management, and web-site archiving.

They are open source and based on an open database model (ODBM) for most web servers and relational databases.

skyBuilders.com - the webWare company™



Sun's JavaONE Platform and the Microsoft .NET initiative share a lot of theSky philosophy.



Download timeLines webWare today and test its features.

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Author: bobdoyle

This Version:
Archived at: https://www.skybuilders.com/About.20020715134059.html

 Version: 13213 | Series: 13213 

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