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About Us | Contacts | Location | Employment | Privacy Policy | Competition | Business Plan is a truly "virtual" company, and we are looking for "virtual" employees.

What virtual means is that as a "skyBuilder" you would work with us from your home or office anywhere in the world, on your own hours.

You might be a developer or consultant and work as an independent contractor, but there will be cases where you and the company would prefer an employee-employer relationship, with our full employee benefits including stock options. For example, our product managers will probably be salaried positions, wherever they work.

As we start up skyBuilders, we are looking for people who would like to work with us on a trial basis, billing us for part-time hours at your standard rates. We encourage you to "keep your day job" (and check your employment agreement to make sure it is legal for you to do after-hours work). Tell your friends that skyBuilders stars come out at night. When your work is at a level that skyBuilders needs you more, and skyBuilders is financially strong enough in your eyes, we would welcome you as a full-time employee.

"You may think we do nothing really, but skyBuilders can do virtually anything."

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