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About Us | Contacts | Location | Employment | Privacy Policy | Competition | Business Plan privacy policy is facilitated by the powerful permissions system of its People/Users data model. Each user can control the amount of access to his/her personal data, even at the level of particular other users and groups of users. And of course it is the user who enters all personal data and can change it at will, insuring its continued accuracy - or its extreme privacy if necessary by omitting or deleting critical data.

What then of use of the data by an organization, and in particular by itself?

We pledge to never reveal data about a user to others inside (or outside) skyBuilders unless the user has given explicit consent to its distribution. We are dismayed by recent court decisions that suggest courts may subpoena personal data from a company under some circumstances, and give notice to our users of this sad fact.

Organizations who purchase skyBuilders timeLines must confront the privacy problems presented by personal data in web-accessible form. The user-built aspect of the timeLines data model can provide their users significant protection - even allowing a user to hide behind anonymous "handles" if necessary and still benefit from the "community computer."

The minimum starting information we require from our consultants and developers is an email address. However, once earnings are to be paid, the law requires a taxpayer identifying number. We are looking into the legality of accruing earnings in an interest-bearing account at skyBuilders for "virtual" employees who want to maintain their anonymity for a period of time.

"You may think we do nothing really, but skyBuilders can do virtually anything."

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