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Why become a skyBuilder?


How do you qualify as a developer?


What does it cost you?


What happens to code you write for us?






Why become a skyBuilder?

As a registered developer with, you get:


How you become a skyBuilder

To qualify as a registered skyBuilder:


What it costs

Over the years, we at skyBuilders have been certified developers for a number of the leading platforms - Windows, MacOS, etc. Developer programs were costly, with annual membership fees to subscribe to regular releases of Developer Notes and online or telephone tech support.

With the low cost of web information, developer programs in the future should be free and that is where skyBuilders starts out. One reason for the low cost is that all development will go on in an online community environment, with open commented news pages, FAQs, and group emailing.

This does not mean there is no cost to you. Your learning time is valuable to us. We want you to master the complex cycle of serverPage <-> database access <-> client builderPage. You will learn to encapsulate server-side data and code in client-side Javascript structures. As payback, you will get tested code that you may use in your own work (if skyBuilders does not fill up all your time).


What happens to your code

First, you always retain the right to work with any code you write for us, and you may sell it to others. This may include your current employer, whose employment agreements may allow you to work with Please check.

Second, your code goes in our pool (currently almost 200 serverPages) of open source code, so it is also available to other skyBuilders.

Third, your code may just be customization for a particular client and have little general use. If however it gets to be part of a regular timeLines serverPage, then you will be one of the authors of that page and share in the 10% of our sales that is set aside as skyBuilder royalties.


Get a demo of timeLines running on your server or ours, and start showing its capabilities to your clients. Get their organizations "timeLined." Our open source code is available for your study, and as a skyBuilders registered developer (a "skyBuilder"), you get a restricted license to use all skyBuilders code.

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