Would you like to skyWrite pages on your web site, editing them from any browser?
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Web publishing (also known as content management) lets you create, edit, and schedule pages on your web site, working from any web browser. You can prepare a page and then "timeLine" it to appear on the web at a precise future moment.

skyWriter is the editing tool that lets you change the page contents, upload images to the page, and reschedule the date of web publication. You may even upload an entire new page design from your favorite web page editor like FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver.

When you create a new version in a skyPage series, the older versions are automatically archived and remain easily accessible by turning the skyCalendar backwards. You can see your web site exactly as it appeared at any date in the past, or in the future (with permissions, of course). - the webWare company™

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 Version: 5506 | Series: 48195