> Overview

Site Navigation | Site Map | FAQ | Glossary™ enables organizations to manage their enterprise over the web.

For an investment smaller than typical client-server database tools, skyBuilders webWare integrates management information into a web-accessible database of corporate resources and schedules. It distributes web-site creation and control out of the hands of specialized webmasters and gives it to those whose information is on the web.

More than just for building a web site and putting an organization on the web, skyBuilders webWare makes the web the management tool of choice within the organization.

With one web-accessible database built on the ODBM open standard database model, an organization can integrate the things it does now with multiple databases (or spreadsheets or proprietary accounting programs), so that information entered once is available everywhere it is needed in the organization - from any web browser.

webWare applications available today include multilingual web publishing/content management, web document management and web file sharing, site archiving, web presentations, web-based forms, events, resource, and project management, threaded discussion forums, and e-commerce tools including an online catalog and secure shopping cart with FDMS/VeriSign integration. See our products listing for more information.

skyBuilders "timeLines™" is the name for our web-based, calendar-driven, database-backed enterprise information system and organization productivity toolkit. It contains several modules, which are collections of web services that access a master organizational database.

skyBuilders timeLines is open-source and it runs on top of the world-wide web or a local intranet, not on a particular hardware platform or operating system. We call the "virtual platform" for our web-based software "theSky". We plan to write many web applications for "community computers" which run on this new platform.

Our skyWriter is a browser-based HTML editor with WYSIWYG preview mode. Our skyForms generator creates web-based forms that collect information straight into the database, while skyReports creates sophisticated HTML tables that display the data on the web. All our webWare applications integrate easily with your existing databases, and skyBuilders technology can make your current database tables web accessible.

"skyNews" is our occasional newsletter, published using timeLined web pages.

"skyBuilders Events " is a read-only Guest skyLink into our Events module. It shows the week's events at in our timeLines display.

Green links open our Glossary page in a new window. When you click on a green glossary link, you jump to the gloss for that link.

Try the Help link in the upper right corner for more explanations, or browse all the Help files.

"skyBuilders" are our collaborating developers from around the world who share the vision of building web-based applications. They also share in our earnings - half their sales of timeLines go to the local developer and half to We are looking for new developers to expand our beta site program in the months before our first online sales.

Developers! Get a demo of timeLines running on your server or ours, and start showing its capabilities to your clients. Get their organizations "timeLined." Our open-source code is available for your study. You can download it today. As a registered skyBuilder, you will get a restricted license to use all skyBuilders code in your own work. You will also share in a 10% royalty on all pages where you are one of the contributing programmers or "skyWriters".

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