skyBuilders Partners allow us to provide
- hosting services (with ISP/ASP partners)
- web services (XML data exchange B2B)
- back-end financial processing for e-commerce (secure transactions, credit-card authorizations and settlements)
- a number of software utilities that are adapted from open-source code (from independent developers who have put their code under an open-source license or GNU public license - GPL)
- turnkey hardware server solutions (with hardware business partners)
Hosting Data Centers
skyBuilders works with a number of Internet Service Providers and Data Hosting Centers:

- Galaxy

- Interland

- Towerstream

- XO Communications

Web Services
Web Services (XML Data Exchange) that integrate into timeLines:
- Federal Express



- State Tax Tables
Secure Web Services
Thawte provides digital certificates to our clients.
VeriSign PayFlow Link is our choice for credit-card authorization services.
Open Source Code is the source for our platform-independent and browser-independent DHTML core functionality.
The W3C is source for HTML Tidy and Links Validator.
Hexidec Ekit is our draft WYSIWYG editor for editing web pages in the browser.
Turnkey Hardware Systems
PCs for Everyone and RackMountPro build us rack-mount servers.
We are authorized Microsoft System Builders.