For Immediate Release

skyBuilders™ Launches Web Site

Cambridge, Mass (April 4, 2001 for ASPWire) offers links to the largest collection of open-source Active Server Pages ever released. Beta version 0.98 of skyBuilders timeLines is a three-tier database-backed web application integrating over 200 Active Server Pages. timeLines is a small-enterprise information system that skyBuilders calls webWare for a "community computer."

Modules in the 0.98 version include skyPages (content management web publishing with multilingual support), skyEvents (an Events calendar), skyForms (a forms generation package that creates surveys, polls, questionnaires, and exams with automatic grading), skyFiles (a web-based File Manager interface to shared storage on the community computer), skyReservations (a resouces manager suitable for reserving equipment, tennis courts, tee times, etc.) and skyUsers (a users database with interest group email). has posted the ASP and a test Access database to multiple download sites. ASP developers, groupware consultants, and application service providers who might want to partner with skyBuilders when products ship in summer 2001 are encouraged to download the 1.5 megabyte package (expands to 6.5 megabytes) and test the software at their IIS websites. skyBuilders offers technical details on how to run a mini-ISP hosting service for local non-profit organizations as a testbench to get familiar with running timeLines.

Important features include timeRanger, which navigates world time in all time zones, with daylight savings time algorithms world wide. Multilingual support in version 0.98 includes French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.

skyBuilders business plan is to sell timeLines licenses online, with partners earning 30 to 50 percent of the license fee. Partners earn the consulting income from onsite tech support and customization.

Bob Doyle, President and CEO said, "We hope a lot of ASP developers will want to work with us on our 'community computer' concept. In a departure from the standard secrecy of most business applications code development, we have elected to make our code entirely open source. We envision a world of many interworking server pages that form a giant open application. The loosely-connected nature and flat architecture of server pages makes for an amazingly scalable project. The main thing all the server pages have in common is a huge relational database, capable of being the primary data storage structure for the shared space of the community computer or 'CC.' Beyond the PC comes the CC!"

skyBuilders is a trademark of, Inc., a Delaware corporation with headquarters in Cambridge, MA.

Contact: Bob Doyle

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