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skyBuilders timeLines Foundation is the core set of serverPages, builderPages, and builtPages that delivers timeLines functionality to any web browser.

Foundation includes about twenty serverPages. These serverPages access the relational database and deliver application code and client-side datasets to the browser.

The browser frameset contains five invisible client-side builderPages - FoundationBuilder, CalendarBuilder, MenuBuilder, ContentsBuilder, and TimeLinesBuilder - and corresponding visible builtPages, including the Calendar, the navigation Menus, and the main Contents/TimeLines frame. The invisible builderPages can be exposed to view (by turning debug On in Administration preferences)

These builderPages power the browser and manage numerous additional windows for the timeLines user interface and administration interface. FoundationBuilder includes dozens of service/utility functions that can be called from any skyBuilt page running in the browser. For example, all visible pages contain context-sensitive Help links. The visible Help link calls an openHelp() function in FoundationBuilder with the URL of the Help page on servers.

Foundation Benefits

Features Description

serverPages Description

Release Notes

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 Version: 3214 | Series: 42343