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Home | Pages | Events | Reservations | Users | Accounts | Shop | Calendars | Tasks | timeLines | Pricing products have an unusual six-month unconditional money-back guarantee.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with any skyBuilders timeLines software, you may cancel your license online and receive a full refund.

We won't say there is no-risk in buying skyBuilders software. We expect you will invest your valuable time learning to use it. But we can take out your financial risk, if you are not happy with timeLines or any timeLines module.

This includes the return to you of our consultants and developers share, which can be as much as half your cost. We will not require the developer/consultant to refund their share to you. will refund their share, and then expect the developer or consultant to pay us back from their next sale. In any case, hourly fees paid to a developer/consultant will not be refundable.

We also will be offering an online mentoring program for our consultants, which you may want to try before giving up on timeLines. We will assign a skyMentor (one of our advanced developers who earns 1.5X normal rates for mentoring and crisis management) to work online with your consultant to solve any problems. When the skyMentor thinks the problem is ours, we will pay the skyMentor. If the problem lies with the developer/consultant, we will pay the skyMentor normal rate, and expect the consultant to pay half (on account against future earnings). If it is something extending skyBuilders software for your needs, we will expect you to pay. The skyMentor, who gets paid in any case, will normally decide who pays.

We hope the skyMentoring program will both help train our skyBuilders to better serve future customers and get you the best possible products and services today.

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