The skyPipes Linux Kernel
The kernel is the foundation for skyWalls, skyPipes, skyMonitors, skyTunnels, and skyRoutes (policy-based and cost-based routing).
It is built on Linux kernel release 2.4.19 with Julian Anastasov's patches to allow static routes and alternative routes.
The build sequence includes the following steps.
- Download latest tarball for 2.4.19 kernel from into /usr/src/linux-2.4.19 directory. Unzip. Untar.
- Download routes-2.4.19-8.diff patches from Julian Anastasov.
- Run /usr/src/linux # patch -p1 -b < routes-2.4.19-8.diff
- make clean (deletes object files, etc. from last compile)
- make mrproper (deletes .config file, among other things)
- startx
- make xconfig (saves result to /usr/src/linux-2.4.19/.config)
- load or edit skyPipes Kernel Configuration Settings into xconfig (edit as necessary, save, and save as config-2.4.19-skyPipes0.version#)
- make dep (gets needed include files. etc.)
- make bzImage 2>compile_errs.txt
- make clean (optional)
- cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vm-linuz-2.4.19
- rename bzImage /boot/vm-linuz-2.4.19/bzImage.img (why?)
- Check that is in the same folder (check time stamp)
- make install
- make modules_install
- new-kernel-pkg --install --mkinitrd --depmod (breaks if no modules)
- grep compile_errs.txt for err
- check GRUB file
skyPipes Kernel Configuration Settings
skyPipes References