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The skyPipes Linux Kernel

The kernel is the foundation for skyWalls, skyPipes, skyMonitors, skyTunnels, and skyRoutes (policy-based and cost-based routing).

It is built on Linux kernel release 2.4.19 with Julian Anastasov's patches to allow static routes and alternative routes.

The build sequence includes the following steps.

  1. Download latest tarball for 2.4.19 kernel (linux-2.4.19.tar.bz2) from into /usr/src/linux-2.4.19 directory. Unzip (bunzip2 linux-2.4.19.tar.bz2). Untar (tar -xvf linux-2.4.19.tar).
  2. Download routes-2.4.19-8.diff patches from Julian Anastasov.
  3. Run /usr/src/linux # patch -p1 -b < routes-2.4.19-8.diff
  4. make clean (deletes object files, etc. from last compile)
  5. make mrproper (deletes .config file, among other things)
  6. startx, make xconfig or
  7. make menuconfig (saves result to /usr/src/linux-2.4.19/.config)
  8. load or edit skyPipes Kernel Configuration Settings into xconfig or menuconfig (edit as necessary, save, and save as config-2.4.19-skyPipes0.version#)
    It is also prudent to copy this file to the /boot/ partition for documentation purposes.
  9. make dep (gets needed include files. etc.)
  10. make bzImage 2>compile_errs.txt
  11. grep compile_errs.txt for err
  12. make clean (optional)
  13. copy (implicitly renaming) bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-skyPipes0.version#. Also check the timestamp on the file, ensuring that it is fresh.
    cp /usr/src/linux-2.4.19/arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-skyPipes0.version#
  14. Do a similar thing with the as with the bzImage file
        cp /usr/src/linux-2.4.19/ /boot/
  15. cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.19
  16. make modules 2>mod_errs.txt
  17. grep mod_errs.txt for err
  18. for Red Hat
  19. otherwise
  20. less /etc/grub.conf (check GRUB or LILO conf file for name of new kernel in first title block)
  21. reboot, then uname -a (check name of current kernel)
  22. also check symlinks in the boot partition ls -l /boot

skyPipes Kernel Configuration Settings

skyPipes References

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Author: bobdoyle

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