Pages Features
- Pages timeLined onto your web site will give visitors reasons to return - to keep up with the news at your organization.
- Schedule your Pages to appear on your site at a certain date/time. Prepare them in advance, delegating responsibilities to contributing writers, copy editors, graphics artists, layout specialists, and a publisher who timeLines the page for appearance on the web.
- Pages appear in timeLines display, click for details, Edit, Prev, Next.
- A Persistent Archive (pArc) lists past versions of a page.
- A Master Archive (mArc) lists all existing files for a page.
- User commentary for each page (moderatable)
- skyWrite a Page. Your Web Pages are editable over the web from a browser - file editing and preview without ftp.
- Or, download a file, edit in your favorite editor, and upload to the site.
- skyView tool lets you upload image files, preview them, and generate the HTML to place them in your timeLined pages.
- Secure file delivery?
- Directory and File maintenance (Rename and Delete files)
- Optional standard ftp site management.
- Page re-use. Clone an older page, revise it quickly and schedule it to the web.
- Auto-generation of future pages at standard intervals.
- Auto-generation of HTML image tags.
- Emails of Files for Print Publishers???
Planned Features
- Check-in and Check-out for workflow control.
Hidden messaging window - when you have something checked out, polls every minute?
If another user/editor wants something, they get a dialog box to send a message.
Messaging really means CHAT capability! Cool, if we have good reasons.
No need to chat for automatic messaging. But you would have to turn on general chat.
Chat with others editing Pages.
Pages secure and visible only to certain groups of users (behind a password).
Pull (JavaScript) Dynamism, JavaScript Banners, Vertical Tickers (with fading text)
Workflow routing
Link checking
Page versioning
Change approval tracking
Page rollback
Site rollback
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