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Pages Module Release Notes

July 1, 2000

Change Records

September 1999
Initial Design of Web Publishing Module - "News"
News later called Articles/Publishing/Pages
Web Publishing of Timed Static Pages
Parsing on Server before storing?
Minimum HTML for Text only, cr >  our own PRE? use PRE?
Images support in Images folder
Cache copies against missing URL?
Templates - SSI?, database HTML?, CSS

Derek's TimeTraveller working (9/3/99, designed 6/28/99)

Version .70  9/8/99 (first draft complete 9/18/99)
New Architecture - Derek's One level of Frames only
New Frames > CalendarDataCode, TOCDataCode, MenuDataCode, ControlsDataCode, TimeLinesDataCode
At same level are CalendarFrame, TOCFrame, ControlsFrame, MenuFrame
So all calls are parent.
Almost the whole interface is built in JavaScript.
Globals whichPlaceGroup > whichPlaceGroupID (complete? 9/17/99)
TimeLines Window now handles both Events and Resources. (soon Custom Combinations)
New EditColors has Web-Safe Pallette and Named Colors 9/13/99
Added Select boxes to Resources, Events TimeLines
Events files fixed, reuse as News files 9/15/99
New order - Report, Edit, Admin - many functions moved.
TimeLines window focus() control (in MenuDataCode)
Make Reservation from empty TimeLines cells (emptyCellAction).
Menu offers Accounts, Shop, Calendars, Tasks, TimeLines, About...

Version .71 9/22/99 
NewsWindow loads NewsFrames.asp> NewsDataCodeFrame, NewsBannerFrame, NewsTOCFrame, and NewsFrame.
  (One great week of Derek work)
NewsBanner.asp includes TimeTraveller and Select for Publications
NewsDataCodeFrame has buildNewsTOC, buildNews.  These are called from special Blank pages
 as onLoad scripts to avoid unspecified (timing) errors on first load.

10/4 Autogenerate should make articles contiguous
10/6 Monthly, Weekly, Daily autogeneration of starter pages. (Ready for content)
10/6 Add URL option to Article Enter Dialog.
add scopeID
10/11 Edit an Article's Text and rewrite on Server 10/14
10/11 Close NewsWindow (any Menu click) 10/14
10/13 Member of the Day page

Version .72 10/14/99
Added ScopeID to all Groups, Items, Calendars, etc.
Added Divisions, Departments, Division_Department, Member_Division, Member_Department tables
Add NewsHeaderFrame (Dateline), later NewsFooterFrame
ArticleAddEdit replaces ArticleAdd, ArticleEdit > offers URL, File, Text sources 
Added TimeTraveller Readout, CaptionStrings > 13
Dateline generated by JS, later world formats

10/15 buildNews called twice?
10/20 Pull (JavaScript) Dynamism
10/20 Timed Page Content = separately updatable elements (SMIL?) NLE of News
ad banners, breaking news, hourly versions, etc.
10/30 Unix style ftp directory for authors /~username (HTTP PUT?)

Version .73  11/3/99
11/3 ArticleAdd needs to reset ArticleID (if you come from ArticleEdit) 11/3
11/3 Classified Ads
11/8 Add JS readout to TimeTraveller 12/1?
11/8 Update static pages (Derek's Version Stack with Index page)
11/8 Derek's version STACK of Persistent pages (with Index/History page)

Version .75 12/7/99
12/10 New Pages architecure - articles in folders/directories 
that reflect Publications/Sections to arbitrary depths
All articles are .html, but processed through ASP.  
Dynamic Redirect if current time is not this page's scheduled time.
Index/Site Navigation pages are all dynamic - built to order (no CRON needed)
Pages are VISIBLE only when database times allow. 
Navigation templates (auto-generated) are user-customizable.

Version .76  12/12/99
New DirectoryReport.asp based on AccountReport.asp, removed GetGroupContained (unused).
PublishingFrames.asp frameset (for Admin - Directories and Files panes).
PublishingTOCFrame with directory tree, EditFrame laods with AdminEditSortDirectory. 
PublishingTOCBlank, PublishingBlank
DirectoryReport 12/23, AdminEditSortDirectory 12/27, FileReport, PageEdit

12/27 "File Manager" web-based interface complete except for "moving" a directory - implement
via a pseudo-clipboard?  "Move To" button, then left window says "Move to where?"  Select the
 destination directory.
12/27 Need "check-out" flags set in the database so multiple users don't collide.
2000/01/02 Links to Associated everything
Append Comments button (by email to Admin if moderated)
2000/01/06 Edit (skyWrite) Page
2000/01/07 Edit Comments

Version 0.80 2000/01/17

Version .81 2000/02/08
2000/01/10 Allow Pages to start at (or be in) domain root? (but hide TimeLines folder.)
2000/01/11 Add Description, Members Associated, Attributes to Page Series
2000/01/11 Reconfigure Pages to run from any directory. 
2000/01/26 Remove references to Publication and Section
Persistent Archive YYYYMMDDHHMMSS stamps should be in GMT, likewise dates in footer.
2000/02/01 Support wwwroot as a Publishing site?  If there are parc pages there, they are our
Pages.  (Careful: If org starts writing own parc pages, we would need to rebuild their html
2000/02/11 Upload Images into Images folder
Mouse type size for all directories.
Help pages for Welcome, Events, Resources, Members, Pages
"News" > "Pages" in Strings, redeploy to above sites.

Version .82 2000/02/14
(A really great week of work for Derek, Pages implementation)
Major - Removed all Articles, Sections, Publications asp pages (~30)
Remove 6 db tables - Articles, ArticleSeries, Publications, Publication_Section, Sections, Member_ArticleSeries
Changes in Strings(Dudley Fax), Help, Globals, Members, TOCStrings, TOCStrings2, Modules, Strings3, MemoStrings 
Remove Publication, Section, Articles from all code.
News > Pages in all code, filenames
DataCode > Builder in all code, filenames
Controls > Contents in all code, filenames
typeWriter() function - Loading, please wait! - in Directory

2000/02/18 Pages now display in timeLines! , but they do not update when rescheduled in Edit the
	 Page Details Window.
New PageDetails.asp, PageDetailsFrames.asp

Eliminate some code that does not Port easily? varType, 
Removed DateSerial, Replace with DateAdd (EventAddSubs + 5 places)
New policy, OpenTextFile for Writing, OpenAsTextStream for Reading

Version .83  2000/03/01
Great new interface design - Pull-down menus for Modules, Contexts(Functions)
FramesBuilder - frame-based allows collapse/expand Calendar
New Publish Pages/Images interface
Two drop-down menus - with fast directory loading.

New Features in Welcome TOC (PIM within Org)
	Preferences (Info, Interests, Initial Settings)
	To Do (Tasks) 2000/03/08
	Appointments (Calendars)
	Contacts (People)
	Memos (Pages)
	Links (Bookmarks)
	email (web-based)
needs New TOCStrings2
Fixes to Pages
Publish Images - a new TOC entry, later part of Publish Pages

Major interface redesign - don't release .83, go to .84?
Eliminate Menus (Text Strings), SubMenus, TOC!
Replace with Module and Function/Context Drop Down Boxes (Two levels only)
Maximize work space buttons [<] and [>]
Back up partial .83 for the record?

PublishPages (Publish Window) complete redesign, 
with 50/50 and all HTML [v], all Preview [^] buttons
Added TIME to ScheduleString, (blows away timeLines quantization?)
Menus contain >Welcome pseudo-options to allow return

Help 0.83 now a separate directory
Added editYear() to CalendarBuilder.
Added 12 months selectable to CalendarBuilder

Much work on Edit a Page, Upload an Image.

Copied Help folder to skyBuilders, replaced /Schedule > /skyBuilders (2002 times)
But this requires the Pages data in Schedule - which conflicts with skyBuilders - careful

Lots of bug fixes, IE5, Publish Pages, TOCBuilder timing error on load 
(which was difficult, went to TOCFrameFlag solution)
New Bugs Email Excerpts
Another skyRocket, for Schedule.
Refresh timeLines? use the miniTimeTravel
Added VerticaltimeLinesSwitch to Globals

2000/04/27 (Derek is away)
Changed Back link in PageComment.asp to javascript:history.back(), 
this was the reason we were invading MediaOne - link was //News// no http://  Derek fixed path.
Make a Blank.83.mdb - some easy way? Definitions only save?

Derek redesigned DTMenus to separate lines of Start End select boxes (great)

Derek implements skyRockets.  Lots of timing issues. 
skyRocket needs to be at end of buildFoundation().  
So does setCalendar() from CalendarBuilder (line 247 unspecified error). 
*** New debugWindow, write JSTimeWhere there. (causes line 77 error on close)
Module and Context as the names of the two drop-down menus. (Context-sensitive skyRocket)

New DTMenus throughout, TO DO and Tasks still incomplete
(Delete 7 old files)

Version .84 2000/05/12
= accumulated .83 changes
Major Feature List items?

Calendar with months and editable year.
Publish now has tri-panel window, skyView, Master Archive
miniTimeTravel icon to refresh timeLines window

New DTMenus 
New JSTLCodeLoc (version of framesref), provides context of where caller is

Derek adds TimeZone handling (especially for Calendars module) DateAdd, DateEdit
New userZone and userZoneOffset (join browserZone and serverZone).

Big Continuous Contextual Help design. (Wonderful hard Derek work)

Moved all BobIBM sites to (remove all links)

skyRocket/skyLink with ScheduleString

Added Refresh timeLines (Javascript in CalendarBuilder, TimeLinesBuilder) 
Always resets to Refresh = none on open. on module change?
Drop reQuote for Memo fields (aimed at TEXTAREAs) 

Can skyWrite a non-scheduled (plain HTML) page.
Strings3 table New Fields UploadLabel, DownloadLabel, RestoreLabel
TOCStrings2 table New Fields PublishServerPagesTOC, AdminDataModelTOC, SiteMonitorTOC
New Table serverPageLog - Fields PageName, DTStamp, ModificationCommentary

Cloned 0.84 Help as 0.85 Help folder

Version .85 2000/06/30

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