There are five skyPersonal modules and three Personal skyPage generators:
- skyBookmarks - manage your favorite bookmarks on the web. Import and export to browser.
- skyContacts - manage names and addresses for personal contacts. Contacts may be shared with the whole organization.
- skyDates - a personal calendar. Can be integrated with the Community Calendar.
- skyMemos - a notes database.
- skyToDos - a chrono list of action items.
The skyPage generators create a "home directory" for each user and add four automatically generated pages that serve from the web address (URL)http://orgName/Users/userName.
- infoPage - partially filled with public data from the database about this person.
- supportPage - a "help desk" page where a user can ask questions of others in the organization.
- workPage - personal action items that can also be edited by the person's manager.
- indexPage - an index.html file with links to the pages above.