General Features/Benefits 100% web-based, cross-platform, universal, password-protected tools timeTravel control Calendar navigation timeLines Window (in addition to chrono vertical listings) variable Time Zone support generation of power links (skyLink, skyRocket) for convenient, instant navigation into useful areas of the application skyLink - direct access into database skyLink generator, locates exact view. skyRocket - Password field for instant entry to a work point. Automatic EMail notification to administrator on Reservations, Event additions, etc. Help - in Context 2000/06/12 Welcome module personal preferences/settings PIM - ToDos (Rough draft) Members module members self-organize into interest groups interest group email Events module Features/Benefits Email notification to Admin, member Automatic Generation for repeating events Associate Members, Attributes Search Events for keywords (in descriptions) Resources/Reservations module Features/Benefits Email notification to Admin, member multi-item Package reservations Click on empty interval in timeLine to reserve at that time tentative requests, admin confirms with email conflict detection Associate Members, Attributes item types (people, places, things) receive different handling Pages module Features/Benefits fully schedulable, archivable, static Pages timeLined onto your web site Schedule your Pages to be on your site at a certain date/time. Pages appear in timeLines, click for details, Edit, Prev, Next. A Persistent Archive (parc) to list all existing files for this page. user commentary (moderatable) upload of files and images (sharing) Secure file delivery? Your Web Pages are editable over the web from the browser - file editing and preview without ftp Or, edit in your favorite editor, and upload directory maintenance auto-generation of HTML image tags Emails of Files for Print Publishers??? timeLines Pages - Calendars module Features/Benefits Tasks module Features/Benefits Accounts module manual double-entry transactions balance sheet and income statement TimeLines module cross-scheduling of pan-module entries Core Development tools skyCap - Page Porter tool, translator ASP/VB to Perl __________________________________________________ Plans for Calendar Schedule web-based software 1/22/99 Version History. Especially what has changed specifically, so we know how to upgrade the database tables. Best way to upgrade tables is to copy Globals and Strings to the new system, then use Admin to customize them. Where are Multilingual Strings? On desktop! Frameset Left frame offers a color scheme choice (CSS) Also offer a date format for onClick output (mm/dd/yy) etc. Select List for Item Groups Select Day, Week, Month (horizontal scroll) display Can we download a small dataset to calendar page, navigate on browser? Always download month of data? Click on day to see the schedule for the day. Sample code for dataset manipulation?. Put the schedule in a separate frame. Select which kind of thing to limit display (editing, camcorders, etc.) Next Days, Next Week controls 1/23/99 Make a JavaScript calendar? Yes. It's in the Schedules folder. Use imagemaps for calendar, or maybe text link simpler. Read iCalendar proposed standards RFC 2445? iCalendar format is 19990129 etc. Probably not usable by Access! We can export/import iCalendar standard XML files. 1/24/99 A tough day = gloomy, rainy. Started out enthusiastic about Tools for developers Customizable Scheduling tools Customizable Imagemap solutions - five sizes - instructions for modifying the calendar art in Photoshop. ActiveX component solutions (how big is it?) Java calendar solutions Holidays, other databases out behind (in files). Susanna's Rich and Famous dates Build a single room/facility scheduler for QSS? a start. Version .0 early February, 1999 Version .1 2/15/99 Deploy DTVGroup, HRTV Includes email on reservations Version .2 3/1/99 Revised Derek interface design - all pages to no scroll needed. Added individual passwords. Added AdminFrames, AdminAddItem, Admin Globals, AdminStrings, etc. Added Globals, Buttons, Strings Tables to database. Made new ScheduleHRTV, ScheduleQSS folders CCTV deployment on MediaOne Proxy. Version .3 3/8/99 - about the third major deployment. ScheduleDay now horizontal or vertical. Added AdministerTitles.asp - new fields in Strings for FirstName, etc. Added unQuote, reQuote functions in Edit, Details, AdminEditItem, ReserveItem, ReviewReservations, topRight, others? Added EMailGroup.asp 41 files + 2 gifs in Schedule3HRTV Installed at CCTV, HRTV, DTVGroup, Cyberarts, QSS 3/9/99 AdminGlobals Language SELECTED update reQuote to avoid Null in topRight.asp -Cyberarts, DTV Change BGImageURL to StartPassword in AdminGlobals.asp -Cyberarts, DTV ReserveItem.asp eliminated Password, Return to Schedule > back, fixed "Nothing in" 3/10/99 This was a mistake. Replaced 'back' with document.returntoScheduleForm.action = ScheduleDay, ScheduleWeek. Set parent.timeUnit Calendar.asp setFullYear > setYear ReviewReservations. Added Cancel Reservation when myStart = "" Version .31 - BFVF, CCTV, Cyberarts, DTV, HRTV, MassArt, QSS DataCodeDay, ScheduleWeek had mailto://, removed // added NOT s = "" to unQuote 3/12/99 ScheduleDay needed self.DataCodeDay for Nav 3 New SearchFrames with WelcomeSplash, uses Large.gif AdminFrames, ResourcesFrames, etc. all now 75 pixels fixed, Also ScheduleDay removed "New" test from AdminStrings (put in Scriptlets) Version .32 - BFVF, CCTV, Cyberarts, DTV, HRTV, MassArt, QSS 80 pixels for HeaderDay, DisplayHeader Version .4 3/20/99 - first draft of Event Calendar (16 new pages) EventsFrames, TOCEditEvents called from Calendar button in topRight DisplayDataCode now creates EventTime, EventLength (half-hour increments) BuildPage calculates COLSPAN for variable length entries. DisplayHeader has sleek <<< << < > >> >>> controls. EnterEvents, EventsPassword, EditEventsFrames, WhichEvent, EventAdd, EventAddSub. Added Events, SubEvents, Member_Event, Member_SubEvent, EventGroups, Event_EventGroup, Places, PlaceGroups, Place_PlaceGroup - now 19 tables in mdb. Saturday March 20, 1999 in topLeft Systematic passalong of memberID, firstName, lastName (Scriptlets) Deploy initially only to DTVGroup, and CCTV with Channels. 3/28/99 Adding a Session Object to collect JavaScript Errors and Email them to me. Needed to make Schedule an Application in MMC. Set Timeout to 2 minutes. PASSWORD Challenge Points. Add collection of member info to ResourcesPassword, EventsPassword, Edit, AdminPassword? 3/30/99 Added DeleteMember.asp. New Strings field, New TOCAdmin. 3/31/99 Added Errors Table, EMailErrors.asp Version .41 4/2/99 - whichPlace, whichView, DisplayWeekText (TVGuide for DTVGroup) Added EventEdit, URLEncode in DisplayEventsFrames TrapErrors testing, but not in deployed .41 Deploy to CCTV - but never showed them. They need smaller calendar. Version .50 4/8/99 - initPage > setCalendar, changePage > changeDate, buildPage > buildTimeLines, rewriteCalendar(fillCalendar) > buildCalendar. "build" now refers to a completely dynamic JavaScript page built "on the fly". storeDate now two functions > syncDates, submitScheduleForm Eliminates double refresh of pages. More bug-free, cnumEventLines dead? New Outer Frameset for wide Schedule DisplaySchedule frame. New HREF calendar, small in topLeft. Highlights the Schedule Day. HREF NAV bar for DisplayHeader. Now has 65 files in Schedule.50 folder Deploy to CCTV without whichEventGroup SELECT. Version .51 4/11/99 Many fixes for Navigator 3. Deploy to CCTV, Cyberarts. Note CalendarLabel > ScheduleLabel in Strings db. Painful minor change. Added someDate object to handle date change within month in buildCalendar(). Replaced Calendar.asp in CCTV, Cyberarts, Schedule.51 (fixes Nav 3 crash). HREF="" > HREF="Blank.asp" in Calendar, topRight, DisplayHeader 4/21/99 Fixed passalong bugs in AdminFrames, AdminPassword Version .52 4/24/99 Deployed to Cyberarts, .51 have broken ReserveItem since 4/9/99 '" <%= memberID %>"' quoted "14" Fixed Double 9AM, Every other reservation, Loss of whichItemGroup in HeaderDay Made DTEnd 9:00 > 8:59, same day morning > next day in Reserve(Day)Item Took RSTableList .MoveFirst out of 11 places 4/25/99 AdminEditItem Notes fixed, unQuote now uses CHR(39) only Fixing unQuote/reQuote throughout, but never finished. Version .60 5/3/99 topRight > Logo.asp (News, Events, Resources, Members w/ hilite) Logo, LogoNews, LogoEvents, LogoMembers Edit, Report, Administer show up if Privileges (NewsPriv, etc.) Outermost Frameset "Frames.asp" passes ScheduleString, hides QueryStrings and most important, stores persistent client-side state information. New Password challenge on entry, Guest entry with Privileges if AllowGuests Personalization string, Schedule for Bob Doyle Tighten up HeaderDay, DisplayHeader date to Thursday, May 4 DB changes, NewsLabel, AdminPriv, etc. 5/4/99 Widen ScheduleDay (add fifth DisplaySchedule frame) Globals for whichItemGroup, etc. Init in Frames, save User temps in Frames. Home now returns to StartFrames (WelcomeSplash = link). Icon goes to Org HomePage. Hilite Edit, Report to give TAB look. 5/5/99 Build new ScheduleWeek from ScheduleDay, HeaderDay > HeaderWeek, etc. 5/7/99 resetScheduleString function in DataCodeWeek calls buildCalendar Remove OldDisplaySchedule frame from ScheduleWeek, ScheduleDay Comment out Response.Write in DataCodeDay, DataCodeWeek (fast downloads) 5/8/99 ReserveItems now has StartDate, StartTime, EndDate pull-down menus ReserveItems > ReserveItemsRules, ReserveItemsRecords - hiliting 5/11/99 - save Schedule folder ReviewReservations > ReviewReservations, add UpdateReservations, using the new ReserveItems interface 5/12/99 Tentative Reservations 5/13/99 Admin Reservations 5/14/99 39 fixes of .location > .location.href Navigator needs... EventsFrames > EditEventsFrames, TOCEditEvents EditResourcesFrames, TOCEditResources EditMembersFrames, TOCEditMembers AdminEventsFrames, etc. TOCAdminEvents AdminResourcesFrames, etc. TOCAdminResources AdminMembersFrames, etc. TOCAdminMembers 5/14/99 Added EditColors.asp for 13 colors 5/15/99 5/20/99 Removed ReviewReservations, ReserveItem submit() from Calendar.asp Added "Mark All Completed" to ReviewReservations Deploy to DTVGroup6, CCTV6, HRTV6, QSS6? EmulateMember Turn on AdminAddPlaceGroup, AdminAddPlace, Add AdminDefaults JavaScript Global passalong variables, working in Logo(s) Version .61 a fairly stable version of all above changes Deploy to CCTV6, BFVF, DTVGroup6 Needs AdminDefaultsTOC in Strings.db Appearance - more BGCOLOR = <%= Color %> Lots of small bug fixes - cnumItems undefined, empty groups (Audio, Classes) now update/write blank DisplaySchedules. Take out all alerts, Response.Writes, Fit/Finish - eliminate borders between all frames. Help in Logo Home/News/Events/etc. Balloons in Logo (for IE4 so far.) Add/Delete Interest (Members Admin). Version .62 added Help and EventDetails, as new Window or Frame. Members db now has balloonsOn, whichPlaceGroup, whichItemGroup,etc. Load these as globals in Frames. No balloons on Mac for now Add PersonalDefaults.asp to set all these and rewrite globals. Added balloon messages as status messages to Logo. New Member now gets default privileges and settings from Globals. Each member has personal settings, Language, whichItemGroup, etc. Deploy to DTVGroup6, CCTV6 Add DELETE FROM Reservations to AdminAddString before Deleting an Item. Version .63 6/12/99 Five foreign languages: interface and help balloons, status Numerous changes to Admin pages, now tailored to modules Deploy to BFVF, CCTV6, Cyberarts, DVTGroup6, MassArt, Schedule6HRTV Version .64 7/17/99 New Login - Name or Email, Forgot your password, etc. Edit Events, SubEvents, Delete Events, SubEvents (CCTV needs). Using #include file = directives. Added conflict detection to ReserveItem 7/26/99 Added English to Languages, Members/Default Edit Button in Generated SubEvents BGColors, Strings in Details, Show, Results, etc. Added Month to Nav bar in HeaderWeek Version .65 8/3/99 Added Edit SubEvent from Timeline (via EventDetails) in a Window. 7/30/99 (only if Member owns Event or is Admin (EventsPriv = 5)) Edit A Reservation from Timeline 8/3/99 (only if Member owns Reservation or is Admin (ResourcesPriv = 5)) versionNumber now updated by Frames.asp Deployed to CCTV Added EventAttributes and AdminEventAttributes 8/6/99 Add Strings2 Table (Select, Option Strings, later News) "First Name" > "FirstName" in Members, Strings. Added SubEventAttributes and AdminSubEventAttributes 8/6/99 Added AdminSelects to Create Drop-Down Lists Added WhichEventsReport (for CCTV) > WeekListing 8/15/99 Added Delete to EventEditSub (need from Timeline) Added conflict detection to EventAddSub and EventAddSubs Added Cablecast.asp Report for CCTV Version .66 8/18/99 Added EventMember.asp, EventMemberSub.asp 8/18/99 (Associate Members with Events, SubEvents) Added VirtualColumns, VirtualColumnText, VirtualColumnMemo Tables Renamed MasterEvents > Events Reworked Event/SubAttributes, Admin/SubEventAttributes, Cablecast.asp New EventReport(CCTV) Added Delete functions to EventEdit (Event and SubEvents) Orphaned EventWhichSub, EventDelete, TOCEditEventsEditSub New Dialog.asp - Are you sure? uses JavaScript Version .67 8/20/99? Temp Timelines Window, new DisplayDataCode, LogoEvents, DisplayHeader, Frames Derek says OK to deploy Frames - in CCTV.66 - new code not called? Events no longer need dates/times (only SubEvents have them). Eliminated from EventAddSub, EventAddSubs Derek's TimeTraveller working (9/3/99, designed 6/28/99) Version .70 9/8/99 (first draft complete 9/18/99) New Architecture - Derek's One level of Frames only New Frames > CalendarDataCode, TOCDataCode, MenuDataCode, ControlsDataCode, TimeLinesDataCode At same level are CalendarFrame, TOCFrame, ControlsFrame, MenuFrame So all calls are parent. Almost the whole interface is built in JavaScript. Globals whichPlaceGroup > whichPlaceGroupID (complete? 9/17/99) TimeLines Window now handles both Events and Resources. (soon Custom Combinations) Debug (if name = Doyle) in Globals table accesses DataCode pages, JStimeWhere logs. New EditColors has Web-Safe Pallette and Named Colors 9/13/99 Added Select boxes to Resources, Events TimeLines Events files fixed, reuse as News files 9/15/99 Resources files fixed, renamed > ReservationEdit, etc, reuse as Calendars, Accounts New order - Report, Edit, Admin - many functions moved. TimeLines window focus() control (in MenuDataCode) Make Reservation from empty TimeLines cells (emptyCellAction). Menu offers Accounts, Shop, Calendars, Tasks, TimeLines, About... Version .71 9/22/99 NewsWindow loads NewsFrames.asp> NewsDataCodeFrame, NewsBannerFrame, NewsTOCFrame, and NewsFrame. (One great week of Derek work) NewsBanner.asp includes TimeTraveller and Select for Publications NewsDataCodeFrame has buildNewsTOC, buildNews. These are called from special Blank pages as onLoad scripts to avoid unspecified (timing) errors on first load. Standard Dims and vars for IDs and Privs in Frames Accounts - enter values only Calendars - appear in TimeLines Window CalendarColor > CalendarsColor, etc. New db fields in Globals, Members - run Privs + setID queries New fields - AccountsPriv, CalendarsPriv, TasksPriv New fields - whichCalendarID, whichCalendarGroupID, whichTeamGroupID, whichTeamID, whichSetID New db tables - for Accounts, Calendars, Tasks, EditMembers transfers defaults to NewMembers Tasks, Calendars Modules drafted and running Accounts (Admin only, move under Shop) TimeLines Module (9/28/99 - multiple lines from different modules) EntryAdd.asp (old EmptyCellAction) generalizes clicks on TimeLines* New db tables for TimeLineSets, TimeLines (in Sets) New AdminEditSort(AddDeleteGroupItem).asp - one size fits all Calendar 6th week and Netscape empty cells fixed (Derek) Zero-pixel DataCode frames now disappear. (used same color as background) Package Reservations - Create Package, detects all Item conflicts 10/4 Half-hour DTMenus (Corey) EMail to New Member Version .72 10/14/99 Added ScopeID to all Groups, Items, Calendars, etc. Added Divisions, Departments, Division_Department, Member_Division, Member_Department tables Add NewsHeaderFrame (Dateline), later NewsFooterFrame ArticleAddEdit replaces ArticleAdd, ArticleEdit > offers URL, File, Text sources Added TimeTraveller Readout, CaptionStrings > 13 Dateline generated by JS, later world formats Added time (date) to EventName in the table cell. Generalized AdminEditItem, fixed AdminEditSortItem New Memberships table, new fields in SubEvents, Reservations New Fields in Reservations, SubEvents, Members New Accounts, Transactions, Account_Transaction, LineItems Tables New Member_CartItem, Categories, Category_Group, CategoryGroups Tables ProductTypes, Products Tables (now like Events, SubEvents) Version .73 11/3/99 Events > Event Series, SubEvents > Events in the user interface. AdminEditSortAccount.asp, AccountReport.asp, TxAccountSelect.asp Eliminated AccountGroups (all done with Containers), Account_Transaction > TxAccount 11/5 AdminHyperTreeCatalog.asp, Category_Category, Categories (eliminates CategoryGroups) 11/6 New multilingual EnterSchedule (needs Strings2) 11/7 New ModuleOn settings in AdminDefaults - can choose Modules to Show/Hide 11/8 TimeTraveller shows default scope. 11/8 Fixed Place to show in EventEdit, EventAddSub, etc. 11/8 Made SubEventDescription a Memo field. 11/8 ArticleSeries URL, Name > 250 chars, Articles Name, Head, URL > 250, Description > Memo 11/8 Reservations Notes > Memo 11/8 ShopPriv, TimeLinesPriv, NewsOn, etc. fields in Globals 11/8 New Balance, MemberNumber (allow zero) fields in Members 11/8 Frames.asp now called TimeLines.asp (change in code only) 11/10 Add Member_Membership table, Reminders, Strings3, Taxes Import Strings3, Taxes with Definitions and Data Version .74 11/22/99 New design for OBJdbConnection, an include file (, with the new database name generic "TimeLines.mdb." Everything then keys off the Folder name. For now, we will leave the names on each db. So DTVGroup > orgName in file. (1 change) calculates orgPath automatically Deleted DisplayWeekText, DisplayWeekHalf, Frames, ReserveItemOld, EventDelete .asps Netscape bug fixes - Add and Delete Event Series, strange JavaScript setTimeout problems. Now have Members/Admin/Add A Member After Apply To Join, added a Log In button to Edit Member Info Remove Apply to Join from Welcome TOC if already a Member (i.e., not a Guest) Version .75 12/7/99 Added clickable Today date to Calendar TimeTraveller captions added Month for more clarity EventsListing now in table format (colored Events) CalendarDataCode quantizeScope now has saveHour, saveMinute for return to low scopeID New Show TimeLines (Show News) button in TOC to reopen closed TimeLines (News) Window Added fields to TOCStrings2 - ShowTimeLinesTOC, ShowNewsTOC Set all initial defaults to 0 in the Blank74 database. (caused many init errors) Handled initialization (when GroupID = 0) 12/8/99 - AdminEditSortItem, EventAdd, EventWhich, AdminEditItem TimeLinesDataCode tests for valid PlaceGroupID, ItemGroupID, TeamGroupID, CalendarGroupID Also SearchShared.asp (for zero InterestGroups) Added Cookies to EnterSchedule, SchedulePassword Version .76 12/12/99 New DirectoryReport.asp based on AccountReport.asp, removed GetGroupContained (unused). PublishingFrames.asp frameset (for Admin - Directories and Files panes). PublishingTOCFrame with directory tree, EditFrame laods with AdminEditSortDirectory. PublishingTOCBlank, PublishingBlank Took a week off to finish Merlin with Derek Upgrade HRTV to .74/.75 12/23/99 Building AdminEditSortDirectory for remote web admin of the News files. (Sorting does not make sense - or at least is hard to do) 12/27/99 Revise DirectoryReport to store open/closed info in JS frameset, to survive reload. New PageEdit.asp from parts of Publish.asp and ArticleAddEdit.asp 12/28/99 Redesign AdminEditSortDirectory to use containerID technology for deep paths? No, just search the file system itself for path names, then no limits. No Directories table needed. PageSchedule.INC (checks if page is scheduled - current), PageCurrent.INC (returns currently scheduled page), PageParc.INC (1 for each PageSeries) PageIndex.INC (1 for each directory) New Pages, PageSeries tables New uses Request.ServerVariables("APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH") instead of server.mappath 12/30/99 Replace .parc file with .parc.html so browsers open (instead of downloading) Replace UnixEpoch (9 digits) with human-readable TimeLines time 19991230140944 12/31/99 PageWhich, PageEditFrames, PageEditHTML, PageEditMetadata, PageUploadFile PageHive.INC replaces PageParc, PageReport, PageFrames, AdminEditSortPage, PageBlank, PageTOCBlank Adopt new date format 2000/01/01 for documentaton New Comments, CommentsDeleted, Directories, Member_Membership, Pages, PageSeries 2000/01/07 Added PageComment, PageCurrent, PagePreview, Fixed Y2K, getYear()->getFullYear() CalendarDataCode, TimeLinesDataCode 2000/01/11 Add Help pages (soon to run from 2000/01/11 Removed 9 Article TOCStrings (also from database?) Version 0.80 2000/01/17 now uses two single-quotes to escape single quote EventEdit needed unQuote. Now pass along StringsID TimeLinesDataCode fixes 'Line 479 Access is denied' - trying to write to a Window (Blank) where no document exists. TimeLines Window now loads BlankTimeLines as default. BlankTimeLines onLoad (Derek) calls buildTimeLines(). 2000/01/31 EnterSchedule now does Browser check - rejects < 4.0IE, 4.1Nav SchedulePassword now in JS, gets server and browser Times, TimeZones New Log table (of logins) Added log field to Globals, EnterSchedule INSERTS, SchedulePassword UPDATES New, files DTMenuSelects now sets spin boxes to DTStart, DTEnd 2000/02/02 Fields in Member_SubEvent not zero-length (was in .76?) Log In from Apply to Join (EditMember.asp) 2000/02/02 New architecture can Publish to Parent Folder of TimeLines Derek amazingly productive - New File Structure - TimeLines down one folder from "Schedule" 2000/02/03 TimeLines can now jump to any time interval instantly. EventsListing now has link to details. now in all pages (53 changed) DTStart replaces SubDTStart - generalize for 16 users DTMenuSelects now synchs spin boxes in EventForm to Start/End times New ResourcesListing.asp (with links to Reservations) New Table Member_Reservation, Associate Members with Reservations New ReservationMember.asp ReservationEdit was broken - Execute was after Redirect! Now edit Associated members directly from Details TimeLines (Events, Resources) now White when Associated with memberID uses new FindAssociates() function in TimeLinesDataCode TimeLines.asp closeWindow() function replaces many functions, and onUnload of TimeLines now closes all windows. - Causes a problem with TimeLinesWindow (Derek commented out close) EnterSchedule.asp is now index.html (handled by asp preprocessor) Change to index.html in 13 files - Password, EditMember, TimeLines, DateAdd, ReserveItem, index.html DateStrings had no data in Blank80.mdb, added Day, Day2 strings 2000/02/07 Fixed AdminDefaults - prevent null whichPlaceID SkyLinks design added to TimeLines.asp, TimeLinesDataCode.asp, CalendarDataCode.asp (setCalendar(522), ChangeTargetMS(717)), TOCDataCode.asp (if parent.skyLink tests) {New Frameset, writes to new TimeLines frame} var firstLink = True, False at end of TimeLinesDC, skip buildTimeLines BlankSkyLinks was loading buildTimeLines too early, eliminate it. Version .81 2000/02/08 Added skyLink in TimeLines and skyLink generator 2000/02/09 SchedulePassword now called Password.asp Refine TimeTraveller MAP, take out breaks, add Now, Help Added NowLabel to Strings table Deploy to BFVF, CCTV, DTVGroup, Dudley, HRTV Major problems with Blessed folders. Set all to Script, Write, removed Web Sharing from CCTV 2000/02/11 Members with Edit privileges automatically associated with Reservations and Events (will hilite). Admin NO. Articles pages abandoned. Help pages for Welcome, Events, Resources, Members, Pages "News" > "Pages" in Strings, redeploy to above sites. (2000/02/12 Build ASPtoPerl parser, porter, converter with Rob.) Version .82 2000/02/14 (A really great week of work for Derek, Pages implementation) JS version of Password and Handles time zones better. 2000/02/14 Major - Removed all Articles, Sections, Publications asp pages (~30) Remove 6 db tables - Articles, ArticleSeries, Publications, Publication_Section, Sections, Member_ArticleSeries Changes in Strings(Dudley Fax), Help, Globals, Members, TOCStrings, TOCStrings2, Modules, Strings3, MemoStrings Remove Publication, Section, Articles from all code. News > Pages in all code, filenames DataCode > Builder in all code, filenames Controls > Contents in all code, filenames typeWriter() function - Loading, please wait! - in Directory SearchMember, Results now require two characters Admin Emulate Member AdminEditMember modernized Multiple Matches on login prevented DeletedMembers table? 2000/02/18 Pages now display in timeLines! New PageDetails.asp, PageDetailsFrames.asp Password now checks for Javascript on in the browser (new MemoStrings) 2000/02/21 Take off a week to write skyCap Porter (ASP to Perl) Original skyCap version written by Rob 02/13. Now runs from skyCap folder in Perl folder, source Schedule/TimeLines, target Perl/TimeLines. 2000/02/29 Now in second week of skyCap. All but one core page now ports correctly. Today Derek added a Description block and section comments to core ASP pages. These all port to Perl, etc., to provide documentation. 2000/03/01 Back to .82 ChangePassword now implemented in a new ChangePasswordWindow Emulate Member Name added to Logo.asp Deployed .82 to BFVF, DTVGroup, Shawmut, CSV, CTC, (Dudley?, CCTV? - no) 2000/03/02 Eliminate some code that does not Port easily? varType, Removed DateSerial, Replace with DateAdd (EventAddSubs + 5 places) EventAddSubs needed memberID returned in Form (Derek added Auto Associate) New policy, OpenTextFile for Writing, OpenAsTextStream for Reading Fixed ReserveItem.asp About now goes to 0,0 Help ----------------------------------- Version .83 2000/03/01 Great new interface design - Pull-down menus for Modules, Contexts(Functions) FramesBuilder - frame-based allows collapse/expand Calendar New Publish Pages/Images interface - with Fast directory loading. New Features in Welcome TOC (PIM within Org) Preferences (Info, Interests, Initial Settings) To Do (Tasks) 2000/03/08 Appointments (Calendars) Contacts (People) Memos (Pages) Links (Bookmarks) workPage email (web-based) needs New TOCStrings2 EventsListing, ReservationsListing vertical timeLines technology 2000/03/10. http:// is removed from code, it must now be in the Globals, fix all on deploy EventAddSub, EventAddSubs not getting PlaceID, PlaceGroupID Fixes to Pages New MemberDetailsPriv in Globals - limits access to Details Add ItemType to Items, Person, Place, Thing Case determines whether Record of Loans, Associate Favorites, etc. New Member_Member table, for "Favorites" list, need Include/Exclude in SearchResults Publish Images - a new TOC entry, later part of Publish Pages Reservations now Associates Favorites with check boxes Major interface redesign - don't release .83, go to .85? Eliminate Menus (Text Strings), SubMenus, TOC! Replace with Module and Function/Context Drop Down Boxes (Two levels only) Maximize work space buttons [<] and [>] Back up partial .83 for the record? PublishPages (Publish Window) complete redesign, with 50/50 and all HTML [v], all Preview [^] buttons Added TIME to ScheduleString, (blows away timeLines quantization?) Also blew away Resources, Events start times = Now() Menus contain >Welcome pseudo-options to allow return 2000/04/06 Help 0.83 now a separate directory Added editYear() to CalendarBuilder. 2000/04/07 Added 12 months selectable to CalendarBuilder Added SortNum to Member_Member Admin and Reservation bypass Details from the timeLines window, go straight to Edit. Added PagePassword (rewrite of index.html) PageLogin.asp (rewrite of PageEditHTML?) to Allow browsers with cookies = Admin to enter a password, and go to mArc instead of pArc. Globals lengths now 250 chars MemoStrings (mostly Text! now 250 chars) New TOCStrings2 New MemberDetailsPriv, MailServer, and LoginColor in Globals 2000/04/08 New LoginString, WelcomeCustom in MemoStrings Removed at/GoToStrings from timeLines.asp logoFrameHeight > 110 from 90 2000/04/10 Added EditFavorites.asp and EditFavoriteNotes.asp (includes Public Notes) New PublicNote memo field in Members, Note field in Member_Member 2000/04/11 Much work on Edit a Page, Upload an Image. 2000/04/15 Copied Help folder to skyBuilders, replaced /Schedule > /skyBuilders (2002 times) But this requires the Pages data in Schedule - which conflicts with skyBuilders - careful 2000/04/18 .83 for CTC has the default Reservations interval = scopeID/intervalMS (1 hour), instead of our elastic - length of available space. Later offer this as admin setting? .83 for CTC suppress Reservation listing for the Item Show Reservations List in Reserve Item only for Things. We have not yet made a Schedule.83 - prepare to deploy Golf site, new sites for others? Start with Blank83.mdb 2000/04/20 New ReserveRepeatItem.asp Lots of bug fixes, IE5, Publish Pages, TOCBuilder timing error on load (which was difficult, went to TOCFrameFlag solution) New Bugs Email Excerpts Add DTStamp field to Reservations table Another skyRocket, for Schedule. Refresh timeLines? use the miniTimeTravel Added VerticaltimeLinesSwitch to Globals 2000/04/27 (Derek is away) Enlarged arrays in ReserveItem to 1000, needs redesign. escape URL DT stuff in ReserveItem (call to ReserveRepeatItem) - breaks Navigator. Changed Back link in PageComment.asp to javascript:history.back(), this was the reason we were invading MediaOne - link was //News// no http:// Derek fixed path. Make a Blank.83.mdb - some easy way? Definitions only save? 2000/05/05 Derek redesigned DTMenus to separate lines of Start End select boxes (great) New Globals field FirstNameOption = None, Initial, or Name in Reservations Added DTEffective to Transactions Bob added StartHour back, in Password.asp (also in TimeLines.asp - unnecessary?) 2000/05/08 Derek implements skyRockets. Lots of timing issues. skyRocket needs to be at end of buildFoundation(). So does setCalendar() from CalendarBuilder (line 247 unspecified error). *** New debugWindow, write JSTimeWhere there. (causes line 77 error on close) Module and Context as the names of the two drop-down menus. (Context-sensitive skyRocket) 2000/05/10 Add new DTMenus to Calendars DateAdd.asp, DateEdit. Dates field Notes changed to Memo field. New DTMenus throughout, TO DO and Tasks still incomplete (Delete 7 old files) Calendars now displays Title (up to a CR) in timeLines, full text in Details ---------------------------------------- Version .84 2000/05/12 = accumulated .83 changes Major Feature List items? skyRockets Calendar with months and editable year. Publish now has tri-panel window, skyView, Master Archive miniTimeTravel icon to refresh timeLines window Repeating reservations (like repeating Events) Move a Reservation/Date (to another timeLine, even in another Group) 2000/05/15 New DTMenus New JSTLCodeLoc (version of framesref), provides context of where caller is 2000/05/18 Derek adds TimeZone handling (especially for Calendars module) DateAdd, DateEdit New userZone and userZoneOffset (join browserZone and serverZone). Deploy .84 to DTVGroup (Jeff testing Calendars with AVAvenue) 2000/05/22 Deploy .84 to CTC. Check all database fields up to date. Strings now has Reservations instead of Resources. Help files need changing. Rearrange fields in Globals, prep for proprietary partition. Add serverZone field to store info for VBScript (from server JScript!) 2000/05/26 Big Continuous Contextual Help design. (Wonderful hard Derek Remove Add An Event, Add Many Events from TOC (drop down). 2000/06/07 Items new field ItemType Member_Reservations SubEventID > ReservationID 2000/06/09 Moved all BobIBM sites to (remove all links) 2000/06/13 skyRocket/skyLink with ScheduleString Members Associated with Event Sign Up for Events link 2000/06/14 OpenTimeLinesString "Click on date.." in EventsListing, ReservationsListing, new .asp? Clone a Reservation Tasks Design --- Tasks table New Fields TaskPriority, TaskStatus, TaskDTEstimatedEnd Projects.ProjectName Allow Zero Length 2000/06/19 Remove (Sign Up for Events) Link Deployed all to CTC (Clone Reservation, etc.) 2000/06/21 Added Refresh timeLines (Javascript in CalendarBuilder, TimeLinesBuilder) Always resets to Refresh = none on open. on module change? Drop reQuote for Memo fields (aimed at TEXTAREAs) Start with EventEditSub, EventEdit, EventDetails 2000/06/26 Can skyWrite a non-scheduled (plain HTML) page. Globals table New Fields ToolsPriv, ToolsOn Members table New Field ToolsPriv Strings table New Field ToolsLabel Strings3 table New Fields UploadLabel, DownloadLabel, RestoreLabel TOCStrings2 table New Fields PublishServerPagesTOC, AdminDataModelTOC, SiteMonitorTOC New Table serverPageLog - Fields PageName, DTStamp, ModificationCommentary 2000/06/30 Bob focus() in SearchMember, AdminSearchMember (also added memberID round trip) Removed Password from NewMember for Admin (ShowLogin = False) Cloned 0.84 Help as 0.85 Help folder ---------------------------------------- Version .85 2000/06/30Copyright © 2000 All rights reserved.