> Services > Development Web Site

A Development Web Site

A skyBuilders Development Site puts a copy of your current web site on our development servers, visible to you at address

We will train your staff in the use of skyBuilders tools to create and maintain pages over the web, to modernize navigation methods, and provide you with multiple portals as needed (a main home page and similar design sub-sites for distinct parts of your organization). We can also train them as needed in the use of skyBuilders tools for Commerce, Community Building, Events, Resources, and Project Management,

We will jointly agree on a development schedule for the new site. You will be able to compare the new design to your existing site. When you are convinced of its superiority to the old site we will deploy the new design to our hosting center or yours. Our deployment schedules have ranged from as little as one month to well over a year, with development costs from $5000 to $100,000. Our billings are on a milestone to milestone basis, with no penalty clauses for backing out if you are not satisfied. We know you will be happy.

When you launch, you will have newly trained webmasters on your staff who can maintain your web site from any web browser. Your ongoing maintenance costs will be remarkably low because we aim to make you independent of further development fees.

You will also gain access to the latest web-based management workFlow tools. Isn't it time to manage your enterprise over the web?

The first step is an evaluation of your web site ($250). The second step is the Development Site. We can provide a specification for the Development Site to assist you with your Request for Proposals.

Order a Site Evaluation Now

Request a Development Site Proposal

Development Site Specification

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