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The Planet Saturn
skyBuilders Site Evaluation

skyBuilders will visit your web site, examine its size, architecture, content, look and feel, navigation methods, and overall usability.

We will make recommendations in five areas, and provide a cost and time estimate for conversion to a database-backed website with state-of-the-art portal and content management tools:

  • Message - Does the content reflect the organization's mission?
  • Design - Are page design elements reusable?
  • Consistency - Are navigation methods consistent throughout the site?
  • Usability Analysis - We follow Jacob Nielsen's top guidelines.
  • Suitability - How suitable is the site for conversion to a database-backed web site using skyBuilders timeLines technology?

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Author: bobdoyle

This Version:
Archived at: https://www.skybuilders.com/Services/Evaluation.20050110230048.html

 Version: 11825 | Series: 16115 

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