skyConverter will be used to convert databases between RDBMS systems, and to update to new versions of the Open DataBase Model tables.

skyConverter.asp (use instead of Access to upgrade the database, maybe even the asp files?)
It could INSERT TABLE from asp?
2000/08/10 - Researching portability of tables from one DB to another:

 Subject: Re: VB6 syntax about transfer data, please help.
 Date: 08/02/2000
 Author: Glenn Miyashiro 
Suggest using SQL. Heres a generic copy records from 1 Table to another: Dim Db as Database
 Dim SourcePath as String
 Dim DestPath as String
   SourcePath = "C:\PATH\BLAH1.MDB"
   DestPath = "H:\PATH\BLAH2.MDB"
   Set Db = OpenDatabase(SourcePath)
   SQL = "Insert Into " & DestPath & ".[Dest Table] "   SQL = SQL & " Select " & Db & " [Source Table].* "   SQL = SQL & " From  [Source Table] "
   Db.Execute SQL
 To Delete Selected records:
   SQL = "Delete From [My Table] Where Field = Something"   Db.Execute SQL
 "ferry"  wrote:
 >Hi All,
 >I need your help about VB6 syntax  in :
 >* I have 2 database (e.g. : student.mdb  and books.mdb ,.. I use MS Access
 >student.mdb consist of some files/table (A, B and C)
 >books.mdb has X, Y and Z table
 >the question is what VB syntax  do I have to write to copy table A from
 >student.mdb into books.mdb ?
 >** Or another way if I want to insert records from A Table in student.mdb
 >into  X table in books.mdb where  A and X have the same fields.
 >*** What about the code for deleting X table in books.mdb ?
 >Thank you very much for your help,
 Subject: Re: Backing up SQL Server DB in Access file
 Date: 07/31/2000
 Author: kate wilson 
 If you want to do it manually, link the SQL table to your Access database, then create a make-table query in Access to create a local table from the
 linked table.
 "Danel de Moraes Branco"  wrote in message news:#dqFBGn#$
 > Hi, KNV,
 > I realized after a posted the message that I was not being very clear.
 > I really want is just to copy the tables from SQL server to Access. That's
 > because I'm always depending on the guy who works at the internet provider
 > for getting my DB's backups. Despite the fact copying to access is not a
 > really backup, at least I can do it at any time. I was making my own
 > to do that, but I didn't know how to recognize by ASP the fields formats
 > (like text, integer, etc.) and recreate them in access. Do you know how to
 > do it?
 > Thank you very much!
 > Daniel.
 > KNV  escreveu nas notícias de
 > mensagem:#Fip#Vh#$GA.87@cppssbbsa04...
 > > You can't store SQL Server database's backup in Access. SQL Server
 > database
 > > backups reside on the disk as files at NT level.
 > >
 > > All you can do from ASP is to copy all the rows from all the tables in
 > > Server and dump them into Access tables with same structure. But still
 > this
 > > can't be a complete backup, as SQL Server databases will have other
 > objects
 > > like Stored Procedures, Triggers etc.
 > > --
 > > HTH,
 > > KNV
 > > Check out my page for SQL Server, ASP, VB resources,Replication FAQ  and
 > > MORE...
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > Danel de Moraes Branco  wrote in message
 > > news:eI6o38d#$
 > > > Does anyone have an ASP script for backing up a database in SQL server
 > > into
 > > > an Access file?

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