Sprint DSL Router Config at skyBuilders
Jesse Burkhardt - 2002/03/12, modified 2002/03/12
This document basically summarizes the important, editable settings for the Sprint DSL router for their ultra DSL service. These settings must be exactly as they appear in rest of the document. The important assignments are:
- Our Subnet IP space:
- Our Subnet Mask:
- Our LAN gateway:
- Our WAN IP:
- Sprint's LAN IP for our WAN IP:
* We are using our usual router password.
The following was piped from a Windows Hyperterminal session set up to use TCP/IP IP address over port 23, which is the same as running telnet from a command prompt. Each gray section represents a session screenful of data.
Copyright (c) 1994 - 2001 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
Prestige 642R Main Menu
Getting Started Advanced Management
1. General Setup 21. Filter Set Configuration
3. Ethernet Setup 22. SNMP Configuration
4. Internet Access Setup 23. System Password
24. System Maintenance
25. IP Routing Policy Setup
Advanced Applications 26. Schedule Setup
11. Remote Node Setup
12. Static Routing Setup
15. SUA Server Setup 99. Exit
Enter Menu Selection Number: 3
Menu 3 - Ethernet Setup
1. General Setup
2. TCP/IP and DHCP Setup
3. Novell IPX Setup
4. Bridge Setup
Enter Menu Selection Number: 2
Menu 3.2 - TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup
DHCP Setup
DHCP= Server
Client IP Pool Starting Address=
Size of Client IP Pool= 5
Primary DNS Server=
Secondary DNS Server=
Remote DHCP Server= N/A
TCP/IP Setup:
IP Address=
IP Subnet Mask=
RIP Direction= None
Version= N/A
Multicast= None
IP Policies=
Edit IP Alias= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
<ESC> - to previous menu
<ESC> - to main menu
Copyright (c) 1994 - 2001 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
Prestige 642R Main Menu
Getting Started Advanced Management
1. General Setup 21. Filter Set Configuration
3. Ethernet Setup 22. SNMP Configuration
4. Internet Access Setup 23. System Password
24. System Maintenance
25. IP Routing Policy Setup
Advanced Applications 26. Schedule Setup
11. Remote Node Setup
12. Static Routing Setup
15. SUA Server Setup 99. Exit
Enter Menu Selection Number: 11
Menu 11 - Remote Node Setup
1. sprint (ISP, SUA)
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
Enter Node # to Edit: 1
Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name= sprint Route= IP
Active= Yes Bridge= No
Encapsulation= RFC 1483 Edit PPP Options= N/A
Multiplexing= LLC-based Rem IP Addr=
Incoming: Edit IP/IPX/Bridge= No
Rem Login= N/A
Rem Password= N/A
Outgoing: Session Options:
My Login= N/A Edit Filter Sets= No
My Password= N/A PPPoE Idle Timeout(sec)= N/A
Authen= N/A PPPoE Service Name= N/A
Schedule Sets= N/A
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
<ESC> - to previous menu
<ESC> - to main menu
Copyright (c) 1994 - 2001 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
Prestige 642R Main Menu
Getting Started Advanced Management
1. General Setup 21. Filter Set Configuration
3. Ethernet Setup 22. SNMP Configuration
4. Internet Access Setup 23. System Password
24. System Maintenance
25. IP Routing Policy Setup
Advanced Applications 26. Schedule Setup
11. Remote Node Setup
12. Static Routing Setup
15. SUA Server Setup 99. Exit
Enter Menu Selection Number: 12
Menu 12 - Static Route Setup
1. IP Static Route
2. IPX Static Route
3. Bridge Static Route
Please enter selection: 1
Menu 12.1 - IP Static Route Setup
1. default
2. ________
3. ________
4. ________
5. ________
6. ________
7. ________
8. ________
Enter selection number: 1
Menu 12.1.1 - Edit IP Static Route
Route #: 1
Route Name= default
Active= Yes
Destination IP Address=
IP Subnet Mask=
Gateway IP Address=
Metric= 2
Private= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
<ESC> - to previous menu
<ESC> - to previous menu
<ESC> - to main menu
Copyright (c) 1994 - 2001 ZyXEL Communications Corp.
Prestige 642R Main Menu
Getting Started Advanced Management
1. General Setup 21. Filter Set Configuration
3. Ethernet Setup 22. SNMP Configuration
4. Internet Access Setup 23. System Password
24. System Maintenance
25. IP Routing Policy Setup
Advanced Applications 26. Schedule Setup
11. Remote Node Setup
12. Static Routing Setup
15. SUA Server Setup 99. Exit
Enter Menu Selection Number: 99
This is the terminus of the hyperterminal session.
** If you get into trouble you may do a hyperterminal consol session from the router's serial COM port to the serial COM port of a host computer. Before starting a serial COM port hyperterminal session you will have to power cycle the router, leaving it off for a whole minute before powering it back on.