Help > timeLines Login > Administrator

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If you would like to experience timeLines as an Administrator, you may log in at the top level to a "scratch" site where the entire timeLines database is reset every day. Nothing you do here will be saved permanently. With Administrator privileges on the site, you can access dozens of Administration pages that let you control the site's appearance (hiding or showing Modules to users with different privilege levels, for example), alter regular users' privileges, etc. You can Add A Member, set the new Member's privileges, then log in as that Member, or Emulate the Member to make Reservations or sign up for Events in their name.

To log in as an Administrator, you need a special User Name with Administrator privileges and a special password. Don't change your own privileges, of course, or you will lose them at a subsequent login.

Send us an email asking for a test Administrator Name and Password.

Administrators have more options in the Context drop-down menu for each module.

Editors. Editor privileges are between Report privileges and Administrator privileges. You can add Events to an Event Series, Add Items to be Reserved, Show All Members, etc. To log in as an Editor, send us an email asking for a test Editor Name and Password, or just use Administrator privileges to access the Editor privileged contexts, shown with ..

Developers! If you like what you see in this Tour, get a demo of timeLines running on your server or ours, and you can have real Administrator privileges over the whole site. Start showing its capabilities to your clients. Get their organizations "timeLined." Our open-source code is available for your study. As a registered skyBuilder, you will get a restricted license to use all skyBuilders code in your own work (beyond timeLines). You will also share in a 10% royalty on all pages where you are one of the contributing programmers or "skyWriters".

How to become a skyBuilder.

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 Version: 68565 | Series: 68565