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In the future every association, organization, and small company will want to run its own secure web server, hiding its data from e-commerce sites., Inc. mission is to provide them with a small enterprise information system that runs entirely on the web. Our software modules will be developed in an open-source environment, sharing significant royalty income with partner developers around the world. Our sales strategy is to provide our developers and consultants with demo sites, for themselves and for potential customers, at or on their own servers. Our unusual unconditional money-back guarantee is intended to minimize the risk in trying skyBuilders timeLines. We look forward to happy long-term customers who will buy many of the expansion modules for timeLines and other skyWare that will be developed in the coming years. provides customizable web-based organizational productivity tools to replace or extend today's client-server applications. Our pure-web "timeLines" technology allows users to navigate an organization's information in an intuitive dynamic way while archiving critical time-varying information. It shows time slices of the organization's project schedules, resource allocations, fiscal data, and web site as it is now ("as of..") or at other times in the past or scheduled future ("as if..").

Developers and Consultants! Get a demo of timeLines running on your server or ours, and start showing its capabilities to your clients. Get their organizations "timeLined." Our open source code is available for your study, and as a skyBuilders developer (a "skyBuilder") you get a restricted license to use all skyBuilders code.

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