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skyBuilders is now shipping the 1.0 version of the timeLines Community Module and nine of the timeLines Web-service Modules:

  • skyPages
  • - a web publishing (content management) system
  • skyForms
  • - web-based forms
  • skyDocuments - document management over the web
  • skyTalks
  • - web-based presentations
  • skyTasks
  • - a project manager
  • skyForums
  • - threaded discussion groups
  • skyEvents
  • - event management
  • skyReservations
  • - resources management
  • skyCalendars
  • - organizational and personal calendars
  • skyShop
  • - e-commerce, online shopping
  • skyPortals
  • - Navigation generation tools to build large corporate web sites with multiple subsites, all sharing similar navigation panels for consistent look and feel.

The minimal version of timeLines is the Community Module with basic pages like Login/Apply to Join, the Welcome module, with administration functions and where individual user preferences can be set (e.g., language choice), the Users (Members) module, with interest group emailing capability, and the Tools module, which provides online upgrades.

Web-service Modules include:

  • skyPages, a Web Publishing and Content Management tool to schedule HTML pages for timeLined appearance on the web. All pages are permanently archived, and can be accessed from a link on the current page. An archived page can easily be made the current page (for version control). Web-based HTML editing interface plus File Download and Upload for editing in skyWriter or your favorite HTML editor. [Check-in and Check-out for workflow control.] Pages can be password-secured and made visible only to certain users or groups of users.
    Subscribe/unsubscribe to notification email functions. Emails can include the skyPage (sent at date and time of publication) or just a link to the new page. Unsubscribe links automatically appended to email.
    Every page has an optional Comments in the page footer (threaded discussions). Notification email option for new Comments (can include the comment).
  • skyForms, a data-entry forms generation package that creates form pages with entry reports visible on the web. All forms and results are permanently databased and archived. Questionnaires/Surveys, Quizzes(with grading), Registrations/Applications, and Polls/Voting (open or secret ballots) are automatically generated, then timeLined. Reports pages are available online, and can be set to update as results come in. Linked Forms can support Web-based Training applications.
  • skyDocuments. A web interface to directories and files on the timeLines server that allows document sharing. Upload and download files (Word, Excel, MP3, etc.) to and from the shared storage space in the community computer. Make files public (to the organization) or keep them in private directories.
  • skyEvents, a scheduling and registration (sign-up) module. Events can be linked in Event Series, with auto-generation of events on prescribed patterns, every Monday, M-W-F, etc. Each event series can have a linked skyPage.
  • skyReservations, a resources management tool for Places, Things, and People. Emails the user and the resources manager with dates and times of reservations. Conflict detection. Package (multiple item) reservations. Associate People (Users) with Reservations. Links Events and Reservations to detect conflicts on shared places.
  • skyTasks, a Project management tool. Associate People into Teams, each with its own timeLine. Tasks may have prior task dependencies, and a Critical Path calculates estimated completion dates for Projects. Team-based email is archived into chronological Project reports. Link Events, Reservations, and Tasks.
  • skyCalendars. National, Religious, Industry, Organizational and Personal Calendars, Public and Private. XML export and import. iCal-compliant exchange of Free-Busy times.
  • skyTalks, a timeLined Presentations program. timeLine skyPages with embedded asynchronously timeLined frames. Multimedia support including audio, video streaming, Flash, etc. Automatic advance of pages, and play of accompanying multimedia for training applications. A skyTalk with a skyForm quiz is an e-Learning application we call skyLearning.
  • skyShop. An online product catalog with an electronic shopping cart. hyperTree architecture allows a product to appear in more than one branch of the tree. [Orders create invoices and receivables in the Accounts module.] Credit card validation logic. State tax tables.
Future Modules under development include:
  • skyJournals. A "blogging" tool to create personal or group "web logs" or "blogs" for short. Journal entries are time-stamped and arranged chronologically. They may be searched, and sorted to show only a limited time range.
  • skyAccounts. A web-based double-entry bookkeeping system. Infinite trees in the Chart of Accounts. Transactions with split-entries. Financial reports include Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Uses and Sources of Funds, etc. "As of.." and "As if.." reporting at any dates in the past or future (pro forma).
  • skyMail. Web-based email. SMTP and POP3 and support for attachments. Each organization member gets an email account. Enforces unique username at the organization level.
  • skyMailer. A mailing list manager (multiple list servs).
  • Personal Organization Manager (PIM). To Do list, Contacts list, Datebook (integrated with Calendars module), Memos, Bookmarks, and a workPage for each member of your organization. [Palm Pilot synchronization.]
  • timeSheets. Visual display of employee schedules, with email links to allow employees to rearrange their own times to provide complete work coverage. See who's working when at a glance.
  • Developer Tools, including over-the-web upgrades of all skyBuilders modules on demand.
    • skyConverter moves database information from one RDBMS to another (SQLServer to Oracle, etc.).
    • skyMonitor tracks performance and web site uptime, with email and pager notifications of service interruptions.
    • skyPorter translates timeLine serverPages between server-side languages (VBScript to Perl or PHP, etc.).
    • skyRemote allows a skyBuilder to maintain (edit, upgrade, and archive/backup) serverPages and databases on a remote server. XML-data is exchanged between remote servers and the skyBuilders master web site.

Product pricing depends on the type of organization, the server computer platform, and the relational database.

Release Notes

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Author: bobdoyle

This Version:
Archived at: https://www.skybuilders.com/solutions/index.20050108215952.html

 Version: 33940 | Series: 38371